I think you may have read the wrong scripture. You are quoting 2 Tim 3:16, the one in the caption is 3:6. This scripture talks about sly men working their way into households.
I personally find this to be a very appropriate scenario for the WTS. It is exactly their tactic! They always encourage the flock to continue calling on homes of those who say they aren't interested. Why? Because perhaps their circumstances will have changed and they will be more receptive. I can't tell you how many Bible studies are started because a loved one died, or someone is going through a divorce, or a family member is ill. The JWs look for people in a vulnerable weakened state of mind -- a time when they are looking for God to support them. This is how they are successful in their work.
"...if there is a hell, I'll see you there." (NIN - Downward Spiral)
I'll be the one providing the fire.